Monday, March 12, 2012

(Spring Swap 2012) - The Gift and the Irony

My secret Swap Baby on weloveameliathimble listed "jeweltones" as her favorite color choices for fashions for Amelia. Ruby? Emerald? Gold? Moonstone? Off to Etsy I went to find some fashion sparkle for the ultra tiny Amelia.

JCsTinyTreasures offered the most adorable fashions. 

Click for link to JC's Tiny Treasures Etsy Shop

You can't appreciate the smallness of Amelia until you hold her and dress her in the appropriate even smaller fashions. JC's selections were incredible. A mix of tiny  patterned material with a crocheted top to many of them.

My Amelia Boo already owned two: a black and pink checkered mix (bc she lives in Drearydom and is a neighbor and distant relative of Agnes)

(click on pictures to enlarge - from JC Treasures Etsy site)

and ladybug dress/hat (Boo's favorite bug!)

For my Swap Baby I chose a turquoise dress with matching hat accented with pink jeweled flowers as part of her gift. *Note that JC also has sizes for PukiPuki.

The irony - the final day for mailing swap gifts is March 28th - but many members had packages ready and swaps had been mailed/received and recorded in the groups photo albums. Swap Mamas hold a secret identity so I had no idea who mine was and was waiting in anticipiation.

When a package arrived from JC Treasures I was perplexed. Checked my Etsy account before opening bc I couldn't remember ordering a fashion. Turns out JC was my SWAP MAMA!  How lucky can a Swap Baby get?

Wait until I post what creations were sent my way! Incredible!!!!

PS Here is the latest fashion I purchased from JC -

(to be continured)

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