Thursday, September 13, 2012

Keep Calm and Reign On

Heather Maciak's Jenny and Lexie Yahoo group has the most wonderful picture contests and displays. Heather is so generous with people who collect her dolls. I so wish the line was still being produced. (Sad face here)

The group's latest project involved a theme many teachers use to begin the school year - What did you do on your summer vacation?

And my five year old Jenny wrote -

My Summer Vacation by Jenny in Pennsylvania

The best part of my summer vacation was spent on my doll mother's shelf as a display doll for a very special summer event. Can you guess what it was?

Here are three clues:

1. A favorite expression in the country of this event is "Keep Calm and Carry On." Since the Queen of this country also celebrated her Diamond Jubilee this summer, everyone changed the expression to "Keep Calm and Reign On." Can you imagine being a queen for 60 years. Wow!

2. The capital of the country of this event is London.

3. When I grow up I want to carry the flag of my country in the opening ceremonies of this event.

Did you guess the event? The Olympic Games XXX held in London, England!

XOXO Jenny

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