Sunday, October 16, 2011

Halloween Journey - and all the days thereafter

Weak pictures - camera/downloading woes - sniff to tears BUT here are more of the journey to Halloween 2011 at Drearydom Larks!

EW My Tell Tale Heart (Wilde Imagination)

Madame Myst, Lucine, Ringmistress, Waif, Giggles, Teezer of the Sinister Circus (Tonner)

Tiny BJDs - Elf (Goodreau), Hujoo (Junky Spot), Anonynous 5ver (Goodrearu), Pig (Goodreau)

Lovely Amy (Elfdoll) wearing Goodreau

The obvious Drearys (Viktor, Brother, Sister, Agnes) from Tonner surround vintage circa Baby Face #1 Galoob wearing her goth fashion from Ebayer 1ofakind49. The extra Dreary is No Frills Sister dressed in the fashion Dark Desire from EG by WI. What happened to the orginal Evangeline was too ghastly to re-tell. Only AM knows the truth!!!

The Kish Kids for Halloween 2011 - re-named Joon - Urban Song (Kish Chrysalis line) and re-painted by Nancy Lee Moran wears a fashion from Goodreau, 12 inch Floral Revelry Bethany wears a fashion from Ebayer SSDesigns, Lisbet wears her little witch frock/hat by Ebayer mrsbobbinsews, and little Miki's crocheted pumpkin attire is by Ebayer dollsbybarbie. No, Tulah the tuff wasn't forgotten - she will be presented another day closer to Halloween!